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Learn how to win and increase customer lifetime value

51 minute watch

Getting new customers costs your business 5-6x more than selling to existing ones. On average 65% of a company’s business comes from existing customers.

While marketing to new consumers remains vital, it also makes sense to prioritise customers who are already spending their money with you.

Advances in technology give businesses the tools to easily nurture customer relationships. As the saying goes, “make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other gold.”

Small and Medium Businesses need the right help. eCommerce partners, StoreConnect & Pendula will teach you about eCommerce and Proactive Retention experiences. And how this will help you increase customer lifetime value.

You’ll learn:
• Strategies to increase customer lifetime value
• Mistakes we often see & Tweaks you can make!
• Why optimising retention is essential for growth
• How StoreConnect & Pendula align to boost revenue

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Getting new customers costs your business 5-6x more than selling to existing ones. On average 65% of a company’s business comes from existing customers.

While marketing to new consumers remains vital, it also makes sense to prioritise customers who are already spending their money with you.

Advances in technology give businesses the tools to easily nurture customer relationships. As the saying goes, “make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other gold.”

Small and Medium Businesses need the right help. eCommerce partners, StoreConnect & Pendula will teach you about eCommerce and Proactive Retention experiences. And how this will help you increase customer lifetime value.

You’ll learn:
• Strategies to increase customer lifetime value
• Mistakes we often see & Tweaks you can make!
• Why optimising retention is essential for growth
• How StoreConnect & Pendula align to boost revenue


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