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Use the ClickUp component to manage users, projects, and teams in your ClickUp workspace.


Use the ClickUp component to manage users, projects, and teams in your ClickUp workspace.


Trigger for handling webhooks from ClickUp.


Get User

View information about a user in a Workspace.

Invite User To Workspace

Invite someone to join your Workspace as a member.

Edit User On Workspace

Update a user's name and role.

Remove User From Workspace

Deactivate a user from a Workspace.

Get Authorized Teams (Workspaces)

View the Workspaces available to the authenticated user.

Get Workspace Seats

View the used, total, and available member and guest seats for a Workspace.

Get Workspace Plan

View the current Plan for the specified Workspace.

Get Team

This endpoint is used to view Teams: user groups in your Workspace.

Create Team

This endpoint is used to create Teams: user groups which are groups of users you can assign items to in your Workspace.

Update Team

This endpoint is used to manage Teams: user groups which are groups of users you can assign items to in your Workspace.

Delete Team

This endpoint is used to remove a Team: user group from your Workspace.

Get Space

View the Spaces available in a Workspace by ID.

List Spaces

View the Spaces available in a Workspace.

Create Space

Add a new Space to a Workspace.

Update Space

Rename, set the Space color, and enable ClickApps for a Space.

Delete Space

Delete a Space from your Workspace.

Get Time Entries Within a Date Range

View time entries filtered by start and end date. By default, this endpoint returns time entries from the last 30 days created by the authenticated user.

List Folders

View all folders in a space.

Get Accessible Custom Fields

View the Custom Fields available on tasks in a specific List.

List Lists

View the Lists within a Folder.

Create Task

Create a new Task.

Upate Task

Update a task.

Set Custom Field Value

Update the value of a Custom Field on a task.

List Tasks

View the tasks in a List.

Get Singular Time Entry

View a single time entry.

Create Time Entry

Create a time entry.

Update Time Entry

Update the details of a time entry.

Start a Time Entry

Start a timer for the authenticated user.

Stop a Time Entry

Stop a timer that's currently running for the authenticated user.

Delete Time Entry

Delete a time entry from a Workspace.

Get Task

View information about a task.

Delete Task

Delete a task from your Workspace.

Create Task Attachment

Upload a file to a task as an attachment.

Get Task Comments

View task comments.

Create Task Comment

Add a new comment to a task.

Update Comment

Replace the content of a task comment, assign a comment, and mark a comment as resolved.

Delete Comment

Delete a task comment.

Remove Custom Field Value

Remove the data from a Custom Field on a task. This does not delete the option from the Custom Field.

Get Folder

View the Lists within a Folder.

Create Folder

Add a new Folder to a Space.

Update Folder

Rename a Folder.

Delete Folder

Delete a Folder from your Workspace.

Invite Guest to Workspace

Invite a new guest to a workspace.

Get Guest

View information about a guest in a Workspace.

Edit Guest on Workspace

Rename and configure options for a guest.

Remove Guest From Workspace

Revoke a guest's access to a Workspace.

Add Guest to Task

Share a task with a guest.

Remove Guest From Task

Revoke a guest's access to a task.

Add Guest to List

Share a List with a guest.

Remove Guest From List

Revoke a guest's access to a List.

Add Guest to Folder

Share a Folder with a guest.

Remove Guest From Folder

Revoke a guest's access to a Folder.

Get List

View details for a specific List.

Create List

Add a new list to a folder.

Update List

Rename a List, update the List Info description, set a due date/time, set the List's priority, set an assignee, set or remove the List color.

Delete List

Delete a List from your Workspace.

Add Task to List

Add a new task to an additional List.

Remove Task From List

Remove a task from an additional List. You can't remove a task from its home List.

Get Task Members

View the members assigned to a task.

Get List Members

View the people who have access to a List.

Get Webhooks

View all webhooks for a list.

Create Webhook

Create a new webhook for a specific List.

Update Webhook

Update the configuration of a webhook.

Delete Webhook

Delete a webhook.

Raw Request

Send a raw HTTP request to ClickUp API.

Key/Value Mapper

Key/Value Mapper.

Custom Field Options

A picklist of Options for a given Custom Field.

Custom Fields

A picklist of Custom Fields.

Custom Field Options Mapper

Custom Field Options Mapper.

Custom Field Mapper

Custom Field Mapper.


A picklist of available Lists in a given Folder.


A picklist of Folders in a Space.


A picklist of Spaces available in a Workspace.

Teams Authorized Workspaces

A picklist of Workspaces available to the authenticated user.


Use the ClickUp component to manage users, projects, and teams in your ClickUp workspace.


Use the ClickUp component to manage users, projects, and teams in your ClickUp workspace.


Trigger for handling webhooks from ClickUp.


Get User

View information about a user in a Workspace.

Invite User To Workspace

Invite someone to join your Workspace as a member.

Edit User On Workspace

Update a user's name and role.

Remove User From Workspace

Deactivate a user from a Workspace.

Get Authorized Teams (Workspaces)

View the Workspaces available to the authenticated user.

Get Workspace Seats

View the used, total, and available member and guest seats for a Workspace.

Get Workspace Plan

View the current Plan for the specified Workspace.

Get Team

This endpoint is used to view Teams: user groups in your Workspace.

Create Team

This endpoint is used to create Teams: user groups which are groups of users you can assign items to in your Workspace.

Update Team

This endpoint is used to manage Teams: user groups which are groups of users you can assign items to in your Workspace.

Delete Team

This endpoint is used to remove a Team: user group from your Workspace.

Get Space

View the Spaces available in a Workspace by ID.

List Spaces

View the Spaces available in a Workspace.

Create Space

Add a new Space to a Workspace.

Update Space

Rename, set the Space color, and enable ClickApps for a Space.

Delete Space

Delete a Space from your Workspace.

Get Time Entries Within a Date Range

View time entries filtered by start and end date. By default, this endpoint returns time entries from the last 30 days created by the authenticated user.

List Folders

View all folders in a space.

Get Accessible Custom Fields

View the Custom Fields available on tasks in a specific List.

List Lists

View the Lists within a Folder.

Create Task

Create a new Task.

Upate Task

Update a task.

Set Custom Field Value

Update the value of a Custom Field on a task.

List Tasks

View the tasks in a List.

Get Singular Time Entry

View a single time entry.

Create Time Entry

Create a time entry.

Update Time Entry

Update the details of a time entry.

Start a Time Entry

Start a timer for the authenticated user.

Stop a Time Entry

Stop a timer that's currently running for the authenticated user.

Delete Time Entry

Delete a time entry from a Workspace.

Get Task

View information about a task.

Delete Task

Delete a task from your Workspace.

Create Task Attachment

Upload a file to a task as an attachment.

Get Task Comments

View task comments.

Create Task Comment

Add a new comment to a task.

Update Comment

Replace the content of a task comment, assign a comment, and mark a comment as resolved.

Delete Comment

Delete a task comment.

Remove Custom Field Value

Remove the data from a Custom Field on a task. This does not delete the option from the Custom Field.

Get Folder

View the Lists within a Folder.

Create Folder

Add a new Folder to a Space.

Update Folder

Rename a Folder.

Delete Folder

Delete a Folder from your Workspace.

Invite Guest to Workspace

Invite a new guest to a workspace.

Get Guest

View information about a guest in a Workspace.

Edit Guest on Workspace

Rename and configure options for a guest.

Remove Guest From Workspace

Revoke a guest's access to a Workspace.

Add Guest to Task

Share a task with a guest.

Remove Guest From Task

Revoke a guest's access to a task.

Add Guest to List

Share a List with a guest.

Remove Guest From List

Revoke a guest's access to a List.

Add Guest to Folder

Share a Folder with a guest.

Remove Guest From Folder

Revoke a guest's access to a Folder.

Get List

View details for a specific List.

Create List

Add a new list to a folder.

Update List

Rename a List, update the List Info description, set a due date/time, set the List's priority, set an assignee, set or remove the List color.

Delete List

Delete a List from your Workspace.

Add Task to List

Add a new task to an additional List.

Remove Task From List

Remove a task from an additional List. You can't remove a task from its home List.

Get Task Members

View the members assigned to a task.

Get List Members

View the people who have access to a List.

Get Webhooks

View all webhooks for a list.

Create Webhook

Create a new webhook for a specific List.

Update Webhook

Update the configuration of a webhook.

Delete Webhook

Delete a webhook.

Raw Request

Send a raw HTTP request to ClickUp API.

Key/Value Mapper

Key/Value Mapper.

Custom Field Options

A picklist of Options for a given Custom Field.

Custom Fields

A picklist of Custom Fields.

Custom Field Options Mapper

Custom Field Options Mapper.

Custom Field Mapper

Custom Field Mapper.


A picklist of available Lists in a given Folder.


A picklist of Folders in a Space.


A picklist of Spaces available in a Workspace.

Teams Authorized Workspaces

A picklist of Workspaces available to the authenticated user.


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