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Attendance Alerts

This template can be used for alerting students who have not attended a satisfactory number of classes. These communications can serve as a reminder that the student is at-risk of intervention, should they not take the necessary action. Additionally, it enables them to request a callback should they wish.

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Pendula Text message preview

Setup guide

To apply this template in Pendula, simply select a scheduled flow and set this to run on a daily basis. We generally recommend a time between 9am-12pm. This means that each day, it will only pick up the relevant students based on the criteria specified below:

  • Percentage attended <selector>is less than or equal<selector> <value> OR
  • Unsatisfactory attendance <selector>equals<selector> TRUE (or whatever attribute signifies this)
  • Additionally, you'll need to ensure you have a placeholder field for capturing data upon a call request

What's the difference?

  • Alert student
  • Alert Student
  • Enable a call back
  • Confirm call back
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Pendula Text message preview

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Pendula flow

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Hi {{FirstName}}, you are receiving this message as you have not attended a satisfactory number of classes in your course so far. If you require assistance or would like to speak to a student advisor reply CALL

Inbound reply

Suggested Keywords:

Call; Call Me; Help

Field update

Field = Call Request

Operator = equals

Value = True

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Thanks {{FirstName}}, we'll have someone reach out as soon as possible

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