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Career Placement

This template can be used for communicating career placement options to existing students and gauge their interest in them. It provides an easy way to capture responses, enabling admin teams to plan their efforts.

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Setup guide

To apply this template in Pendula, simply select a scheduled flow and set this to run as a once-off, we generally recommend sometime between 9am-12pm. This means that when it is scheduled to send, it will only pick up the relevant student records based on the criteria specified below:

  • Student Status <selector>equals<selector> 'current' or 'active'
  • Course Type <selector>equals<selector> <description> (if you would like to segment in/out students from certain types of courses from receiving the reminder)
  • Campus <selector>equals<selector> <name> (if you would like to segment in/out students from certain campuses)
  • You'll need to ensure you have placeholder field for capturing student intent

What's the difference?

  • Send offer
  • Send offer
  • Capture intent by enabling responses
  • Confirm intent
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Pendula Text message preview

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Pendula flow

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Hi {{FirstName}}, As you're studying {{CourseName}}, we have some great career placement options available to you! Would you be interested in the following programs <insert description>? Respond YES, UNSURE or NO.

Inbound reply

Suggested Keywords:

Yes, Yeah, Y, Sure

Field update

Field = Intention

Operator = equals

Value = Yes

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Thanks for confirming your intention {{FirstName}}, we'll have one of our friendly team followup with you directly

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Hi {{FirstName}}, As you're studying {{CourseName}}, we have some great career placement options available to you! Would you be interested in the following programs <insert description>? Respond YES, UNSURE or NO.

Inbound reply

Suggested Keywords:

Not sure; maybe, unsure

Field update

Field = Intention

Operator = equals

Value = Unsure

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Thanks for confirming your intention {{FirstName}}, we'll have one of our friendly team followup with you directly

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Hi {{FirstName}}, As you're studying {{CourseName}}, we have some great career placement options available to you! Would you be interested in the following programs <insert description>? Respond YES, UNSURE or NO.

Inbound reply

Suggested Keywords:

No, Nope, N

Field update

Field = Intention

Operator = equals

Value = No

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Thanks for letting us know you don't intend to study with us {{FirstName}}. Best of luck for the future

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