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Funding Balance Offers

This template can be used for providing offers to clients for other services they may be interested in. It allows you to target offers based on funding balances and capture a clients interest by enabling them to reply.

Setup guide

To apply this template in Pendula, simply select a scheduled flow and set this to run as a once-off. This means that when you set the send date and time, it will only pick up the relevant clients based on the criteria specified below:

  • Service Agreement Status <selector>equals<selector> 'current' (if this information is available)
  • Service Agreement End Date <selector>is equal to<selector> <selector>TODAY()+DAYS(60)<selector>
  • Service Agreement Remaining Balance <selector>is greater than<selector> <value> (dollar amount you'd like to segment as part of your audience)
  • Service Line Item <selector>equals<selector> <description> (service type you'd like to segment as part of your audience)
  • Additionally, you'll need to ensure you have a placeholder field for capturing data upon a call request

What's the difference?

  • Provide offer
  • Provide offer
  • Capture intention or interest in offer
  • Confirm a call request

Pendula flow

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Hi {{FirstName}}, Your service agreement is coming up for expiry soon and we noticed that you still have funding remaining on your balance. We have some other great services that might interest you, such as.... Reply YES to this if you'd like to discuss your options with our friendly team

Inbound reply

Suggested Keywords:

Yes; Y; Yep; Sure, Interested, Call, Help

Field update

Field = Call Request

Operator = equals

Value = TRUE

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Thanks {{FirstName}}, we'll have once of our team reach out and discuss your options